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Sunday 23 December 2012


2000 YEAR OLD TREE OF LIFE - The Baobab Tree


Boabab(Hindi name: Gaj Bal): Also known as the "tree of life", Baobab trees, found in Africa and India, can live for several thousand years. They have little wood fiber but still can be incredibly useful - so much so that Disney's Lion King named it the Tree of Life. It behaves like a giant succulent and up to 80% of the trunk is water. San nomads used rely on the trees as a valuable source of water when the rains failed and the rivers dried. A single tree can hold up to 4,500 litres (1,189 gallons). The bark and flesh are soft, fibrous and fire-resistant and can be used to weave rope and cloth. It is also used to make soap, rubber, glue and various medicines.

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