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Saturday 22 December 2012

The extraordinary scene

The extraordinary scene

The extraordinary scene was captured by photography student Casey Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard Project in Hertfordshire.

She gave him a shove with her nose, but even a gentle shove does not deter the little creature from getting his fill.

"It was amazing, even the keeper who had thrown the meat into the enclosure was shocked, he said he'd never seen anything like it before."

The smallest Country in the world.

Sealand is claim to be the smallest Country in the world.  

It’s not even made out of Land.  Area claimed is 550 m2.Population 27 (claimed) but only 4 (permit residing as of 2011). They have their own currency and flag. They even have athletes playing mini golf, football and fencing.

Volkswagen Aqua


Volkswagen Aqua

Volkswagen Aqua would be powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and would emit zero carbon dioxide.The all-terrain vehicle, which has a top speed of 62mph and works like a hovercraft, can move seamlessly between different surfaces..

Longest Place Name

 It is a hill on North Island, New Zealand which is the world's longest place name containing 85 letters. It is Listed in the Guinness World Records as the longest official place name in the world.


Longest movie ever !

The Longest movie ever is over 35 days long.

It is released in 2012. The movie is "Logistics" which is currently screening and is 51420 minutes(857 hr / 35 days, 17 hours) long.It is an experimental film.

List Of Longest movies ever.






 In 2004, The New York Times wrote an article about the loneliest whale in the world. Scientists have been tracking her since 1992 and they discovered the problem:

She isn’t like any other baleen whale. Unlike all other whales, she doesn’t have friends. She doesn’t have a family. She doesn’t belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn’t have a lover. She never had one. Her songs come in groups of two to six calls, lasting for five to six seconds each. But her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25hz, she sings at 52hz. You see, that’s precisely the problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And, with every lonely song, she becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.

Just imagine that massive mammal, floating alone and singing—too big to connect with any of the beings it passes, feeling paradoxically small in the vast stretches of empty, open ocean.

A cellphone that runs on Coca-Cola!

A cellphone that runs on Coca-Cola!


Designer Daizi Zheng brings us an interesting concept: a Nokia phone that runs on Coca-Cola. Yes, you read right. It may sound incredible, but it seems this eco-friendly cellphone model really works.
Isn't it an awesome invention of using coca cola as a fuel.


Amazon Milk Frog!


 The Amazon Milk frog is a beautiful species of treefrog that has only been available in the UK for a short period of time. The species has be...en available to keepers in other countries a little longer. They are of similar appearance to Whites treefrogs (Litoria caerulea) in their build, they are heavy bodied and stocky with a certain level of cute dumpiness. They are also of a similar adult size, around 6-10cm. The colours and patterns differ though, although variable, the majority seen in captivity in the UK are grey and black with a bluish tinge. They are exceptionally beautiful as babies, the grey is replaced with a silvery white. They have a white milk like (hence the name) secretion that is thought to be poisonous and used as a defence. The skin has a granular and bumpy texture.

The world's biggest family

The world's biggest family.
The man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren.

Ziona Chana lives with all of them in a 100-room mansion.The Ziona family has 181 family members in total. He is head of the world's biggest family - and ...says he is 'blessed' to have his 39 wives. Ziona Chana also has 94 children, 14-daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren. They live in a 100-room, four storey house set amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram, where the wives sleep in giant communal dormitories.His wives take it in turns to share his bed. It takes 30 whole chickens just to make dinner.



Hybrid rose titled " Tiger Stripes Rose "

Rainbow Rose

Osiria Rose

Have you ever seen such roses before??
comment about them...




Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and h...ow are we going to overcome this?

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley (Cilantro) is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

A Car that repairs itself?

The Audi A9 Concept Car Repairs Itself, Changes Body Color!


 This is Audi A9 concept from the reputed Spanish designer Daniel Garcia who has Ducati 6098 R concept and many other to his credit.

Daniel’s A9 concept is a low emission hybrid vehicle for the future. A9 concept features a single-piece windscreen and its roof is formed from nanotechnology material that has a unique automatic-system that repairs damage and can also be adjusted for colors and opacity.

Amazing Chair.


Artist Peter Cook seated in his living garden chair grown via the Pooktre method. Amazing!

would you like to sit on it??

Diamond Mine in Siberia.

Diamond Mine in Siberia.


 The mine is 525 meters (1,722 ft) deep and has a diameter of 1,200 m (3,900 ft), and is the second largest excavated hole in the world.

No Body Fat

Here is a 23 years old woman with no body fat.

She was born with a condition which doesn’t allow her to gain any body fat.

Thunderhead Cloud!

Thunderhead Cloud!

No, it’s not an explosion or anything.
That is just a cloud, looks amazing though. It’s called Thunderhead Cloud or a Cumulonimbus cloud, and the color which you can see in, is because of the sun rays falling through it. !!

A New Life

Science gave life to a deaf girl.

29 year old Sarah Churman, who has been deaf from birth, received a new Envoy hearing implant. When she heard her own voice for the first time, she was overcome and began to weep for joy.

Awesome Photography

Extraordinary images of a bubble bursting


These extraordinary images of a bubble bursting were taken by photographer Richard Heeks at 1/500 of a second each.

Extraordinaty work by ordinary person


Died as a Hero.

This is Victoria. She died as a Hero. She hid her first graders in the cabinets and closets after hearing the gunfire. When the shooter came to her classroom, she told him that her students were in the gym. He then gunned her down and moved on. She saved the lives of all of her students.

Rainbow Roses

Rainbow roses

 The method exploits the rose's natural processes by which water is drawn up the stem. By splitting the stem and dipping each part in a different colored water, the colors are drawn into the petals resulting in a multicoloured rose.

Amazing photo.

Canoes setting a world record on Fourth Lake in New York's adirondacks.


An Amazing photo was taken by Nancie Battaglia of almost 2,000 canoes setting a world record on Fourth Lake in New York's adirondacks.

Slap me everytime whenever i get distracted from work.

Have you ever heard about such a job??

What will you do if you get an oppurtunity to do this job??


The Mayan 2012 Prophecy: The Orwellian “End of the World” Doomsday is “Made in America”.

The 2012 Mayan Prophecy has been readily distorted and misunderstood. The End of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012 has nothing to do with the “End of the World”.

In fact, the Mayan calendar does not end on December 21st, 2012. Rather December 21 marks the beginning of a new “Long Cycle” in the Mayan calendar system.
The picture of the “Mayan Calendar” is not Mayan. The “Stone of the Sun” is a graphical representation of the Aztec cosmology.

The “Piedra del Sol” (“Stone of the Sun”) simply shows Aztec pictographs that form a calendar.

Yet if you go to Google images, it is identified as “The Mayan Calendar.”

Awesome hair style

awesome hair style

would you like to do such an hair style??

Gangnum Style completed overs 1 billion(1,000,000,000) views today(22 DEC 2012) on youtube.

Gangnum Style completed overs 1 billion(1,000,000,000) views today(22 DEC 2012) on youtube.





             1907 Heidsieck


Famous underwater statue of Jesus in the Maltese

Famous underwater statue of Jesus in the Maltese.

Isn't it amazing skill...

Isn't it Amazing..!!

‎8 BARREL SHOTGUN Intended For Military And Police Use In The Late 1960s.

‎8 BARREL SHOTGUN Intended For Military And Police Use In The Late 1960s.


No Passport


The Queen is the only person in Britain who is not required to have a Passport.

World's Most Viewed Photo Taken By Charles O’Rear !

World's Most Viewed Photo Taken By Charles O’Rear !