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Friday 27 December 2013

The coconut octopus

The coconut octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) is found in tropical Pacific waters. It gets its common name because it uses coconuts and shells to hide from predators. These octopuses are sort of oddballs as they have been documented to show bipedal behavior - "walking" away on just two legs along the ocean floor.

Photo by: Nick Hobgood

Thursday 26 December 2013

Awesome story!

Scamp saved the life of six kitten stuck inside a box on a mountain of trash. Scamp heard them, tore the box apart and brought them one by one where he now happily lives. Scamp is a former homeless dog, and had only one thought: saving them as himself was saved once. Thank you Scamp! You are wonderful! And your story is really heartwarming!